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domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Galway Basketball clinic with coach Ponsarnau

It will be my first english blogg in my short history as a blogger. I have to advise that in this blogg there will be a lot of mistakes, but honestly it's not a problem to me. If you want to learn something you have to try it. I invite you to check my last blogg about confident.
Today, it's mandatory to me explain my experience of this weekend. It has been a really great weekend. If you love basketball, it's really greatful to spend a weekend with one of the best basketball spanish coaches.
Jaume Ponsarnau is from the city that I played baskeball the last two years before come to Galway. Jaume coached in ACB the last 6 years and the last summer he was assistant coach of the first Spanish nacional team. Marc Gasol, Jose Calderon or Ricky Rubio are some players that he coached last summer in the european national cup in Slovenia.
I met Jaume Ponsarnau 10 years ago when luckily for me, he was my coach during 2 years. After that and because he is a humble person, we have kept the contact.
Be humble is one of the most important characteristics if you want to improve every day. Be humble it's really useful if you want that the other people respect you. Hopefully, Jaume is humble, and that allows that be beside him is a constantly knowledge source.
Two weeks ago and because he read my second blogg about my experinece here in Galway, we exchange some emails. In one of these emails I though that could be interesting and nice that he came here in Galway to visit the city and do something in relation on basketball. My character is so restless that I propose him this visit. You can remember, if you want something you have to try it.
He accepted! Go ahead...
This friday me and Salva met to concrete the last details about Jaume's visit. After some advertisment days, with Nollaig, Moycullen, Titans, Joe and everybody that helped us, we needed to be ready for a great Sunday clinic. Salva rent a car and Saturday morning him and me went to Dublin to lift Jaume and Tali (his wife). The surprise was when we arrived to the airport. In the flights screen, there wasn't information about the flight between Barcelona and Dublin. So extrange. After 30 minutes waiting, in two seconds our face changed. With red words, put in the screen: Diverted!!! Oh my god! I was really worried for Jaume and Tali. Bad wind in Dublin last Saturday and the flight was diverted...
Salva and me went to the information point to ask about the flight and hopefully the recepcionist told us that the passangers were ok, but the flight has landed in Shanon...haha.
So Salva and me went to Shanon to collect Jaume and Tali. Not bad...six hours non stop driving until arrive in Galway again. Hopefully it was only a scare!
After that we went to watch the Moycullen game that plays in Premier league in Ireland and Salva is their head coach. They lost but my roommate scored 35 points, not bad for Mike haha! After the game we went to dinner in McSwigans, a great irish restaurant. Jaume tasted the typical Galway Salmon and Tali the typical beef! I think that they enjoyed that meal. Then we went in a pub to show the traditional irish atmosphere and to taste the nice Guiness! Of course, Guiness pass the Jaume's exam!
Sunday morning was the day. The day when Jaume had to do the clinic. A really good new was that in the clinic attended more than 35 people, so it was a really good stuff.
During the clinic, the coach show to the assistants their skills to coaching guys and adult players. The topics for the clinc were dribble and pick&roll as a offensive and deffensive weapon.
All the people could take pictures with the coach and speak with him because as I told he is a really good and humble person.
After the clinic we had to go direct to the airport because they departure at 6 evening. Quick trip for Salva and me to go to Dublin and come back to Galway because we could talk about how greatful has been the weekend.
If you enjoy something, nothing is hard, nothing is difficult!
So we love basketball!

See you soon!
Thanks and sorry for all mistakes, I'll try to improve for the next time!

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